Utopia or Dystopia? By Wayne Gatfield

Pronoia is a word I came across quite recently. It is the opposite of paranoia and is the feeling we might have that all is working in our favour.

 In the world of Spiritual teaching and practice it is said that everything that happens to us, seemingly good or bad, is actually meant to help us on our way if only we are able to use the experiences in a positive way.

The modern world conspires to make us feel depressed and pessimistic at the violence and cruelty that surrounds us, but it is essential that there is a nucleus of souls who are willing and able to look at things differently and thereby help in the healing of a troubled world.

Aggression is not the way to get one’s point across, but that is what many groups are doing; unfortunately, no matter how worthy the cause it is merely adding to the storehouse of anger and negativity in the world.  We may feel “righteous anger” at some of the atrocities that go on in the world, but this need not become aggression.  It can be used to initiate positive changes for the good and in the end only Love is beneficially transformative.

Is everything working ultimately towards a ‘happy ending’ or are we on the path to self- destruction as many dystopian novels and films portray?  The word dystopian can be said to be the opposite of Utopian, which depicts an ideal society where everything is perfect and peace and happiness reign supreme.  Many critics say that such a state is impossible on this earthly plane of being and to believe in such an Arcadian society is mere folly.

The Truth is that the Golden Age is all around us and within us despite Hindu teachings saying we are in the Age of Kali or darkness.  Kali is not just the destroyer but also the regenerator, as I pointed out in a previous article.  The world becomes what we envisage it to be.  Materialistic politicians, religious leaders and scientists see only wars and violence as the solution to the world’s problems.  Mountains made out of molehills in the majority of cases, lack of perspective, and failure to see the beauty and dignity of human nature behind the mask of personality.  If we believe in a better world then the seeds are planted, whether it takes years or centuries for them to sprout. 

What has made the world as it is?  Only the misguided thoughts and actions of those with power, but lacking wisdom or compassion.  The ordinary man and woman in the street become infected with pessimism, due to the media focusing on the negative news stories around the world.  The world may not be heading for the destruction that films portray if we are able to recognize what we are in essence, immortal and indestructible beings.  Even those who do not believe this would surely rather leave something positive behind when they ‘move on’ no matter where they think that is or isn’t.

HP Blavatsky writes concerning the year 1888, but applicable to any year:

“Man’s life is in his own hands, his fate is ordered by himself. Why then should not 1888 be a year of greater spiritual development than any we have lived through? It depends on ourselves to make it so. This is an actual fact, not a religious sentiment. In a garden of sunflowers every flower turns towards the light. Why not so with us?”

She also says that we should try to make life not only beautiful but divine and vow no longer to be hampered by disbelief in the possibility of this miracle, but to commence the Herculean task at once. Can we all turn towards the Spiritual Light and make it our guide?

End times that are spoken of with finality may indeed also be beginning times, a time of regeneration and transformation.  The world moves on and, as suggested by the word Pronoia, everything is working towards the good.  It’s up to those who are aware of their Spiritual Nature to make use of that knowledge and understand the power of the Spirit to transform, uplift and inspire.  Once we become aware of what it really means to be human then we will be unable to think of doing any harm to our brothers and sisters.  It is only a misunderstanding of our True Nature that creates the illusion of separateness that is causing so much havoc in the world today.

We should try to see beauty rather than ugliness, those things that lift the spirit and make contemplate a better world.  Poets, writers, artists and musicians have all attempted to express this beauty and Spiritual teachers have given us guidelines to realizing the Higher Self. 

If we can understand and appreciate all living things upon this planet at their true worth then we will no longer be antagonistic to anyone or anything or exploit nature merely for material gain.

Of course, at the moment this does seem like ‘building castles in the sky’, but in reality to create a world of love and peace is achievable if people believe in the possibility and set about making it a living reality in their daily lives.  The beneficial power of the Spirit is many times more potent than even the power of the mind and the two working together can bring about what seem like miracles. So, we need to awaken to what we all in reality to and what we can achieve with true faith in our Higher Self.  Always try to be optimistic and focus on the Good, the True and the Beautiful, through all the many trials of life.  We are all One in Essence and in Union is our true strength.

Wayne Gatfield is a long time Theosophist and he has an enlightening channel on the Ancient Wisdom which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@mysticaltheosophy8972

Published by hermesrisen

Debbie Elliott is a writer, theologian and broadcaster, and her work can be found at www.debbie-elliott.co.uk Colyn Boyce is co-editor for Hermes Risen and is a writer, photographer and all round good guy.

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