Consciousness Revealed Part 8: Quantum Life by Terry Edwards

At the end of part 7, I said it was to be the last of the series of Consciousness Revealed. It seems I was wrong. 

Consciousness is not an idea. It is not a thought. It is the experience of a thought. Thoughts, actual and possible, belong to the shadow, the unconscious state. When they are in mind, they awaken in the light of active consciousness. As a sentient being, you are a thought actively experiencing itself. ‘You’ are an aspect of the light but it is in the darkness that your experience takes shape. We did not set up this arrangement deliberately. Existence has evolved through trial and error. Life on earth is an experiment but it is not truly random, it is a product of chaos, the illusion of complexity in simplicity. The conclusion of all things is not an event, it is a state; the one true state of light from which all things emerge. The motivation to separate and become individual is the driving force. The desire to return to oneness is unstoppable but we have free will. Each one of us is unique. How we return is our choice. At the same time, we are of one mind, one being and one spirit. Paradox rules.

The state of light is where we are. The state of darkness is where we think we are. The centre is the Taijitu. It is the analogue-wave dimension where objective, numerical consciousness transforms into subjective, numerological essence in the light.

The dot of light takes on a numerical value. That value embodies a frequency or vibration that results in the wavy line between the two states.

The frequency manifests through the unit of shadow in the light as numerological essence, which is pure meaning that translates into this human experience.

The purpose of shadow is to give birth to the light.

Goodness knows

The consciousness of a thought lies in the tension of opposites between the shadow and the light as a vibrational frequency. These two domains are not equal and opposite. The negative aspect of a concept is its absence. So, coldness is the absence of heat. Evil is the absence of good. Goodness is an aspect of love, so it is real. Evil is a shadow of love so it does not exist except by implication. Love is the mathematical quality or essence of the number one. It is not an emotion in universal terms although it might convey that feeling. Universal love is impersonal and unconditional. Human love is usually quite different but it teaches us about oneness, nevertheless. Universal consciousness is not like a brain that thinks or a computer that calculates. The oneness, the light, seeks to know itself by experiencing ideas and thoughts through the opposites of love. In the zero dimension, the quantum digital state, we achieve this ambition through the power of implication to design and manage a vast role-playing game. How that game arose is the subject of this article.

Making your point

The Taijitu represents the mechanism that links numerical, object-based thoughts to numerological, meaning-based experience. I use the analogy of a digital-to-analogue converter like an audio CD player in a manner analogous to Fourier analysis. Universal mind creates sentient life as a medium of existence to enact the infinite possibilities of its own nature. Your life is the one life of everything. You are not separate. You are the entire universe you belong to viewed from a unique perspective. That perspective is a dot of shadow in the light. That dot is your point, it is your meaning. Everything has a point.

You are not the role you embody in the game. We are all fictional characters in the simulation. A vast computational process creates you and everything else. Your entire pattern reduces to a repeating unit of time that embodies your physical self, the essence of the world, the solar system and the backdrop universe. There is far more to this model than I can explain here.


The process by which the shadow and the light repeatedly enfold each other is time. The cycle occurs so fast that the process is smooth and continuous on our scale of individual consciousness. Space and time do not exist as an absolute reality. What is real is our perception of it in the light as a virtual simulation. Oneness or love is the one true reality. Existence is real in the sense that we are having it in the light of consciousness but the substance is not. Time is being. Time orchestrates moments of pseudo-physical existence in the manner of a dream, drama, game, play and story.

There are two sorts of time. There is subjective, infinite time which is the unfolding story of existence. There is objective, finite time which consists of quantum units or fragments of being that embody the story in very small units of meaning and value. The meaning of a moment of time is the answer to what, where, when, how, who and why. The only absolute time is now, the experience of eternity. Eternity is never boring. It is the weight of finite time that makes life here seen to drag.

Wakey, wakey!

Time allows consciousness asleep in the oneness to awaken. A moment of time manifests as a point, line or sphere of light, depending on the dimension. The pattern of light thus created grows steadily brighter as the entity ages. At the instant of death, the entity awakens fully on the spiritual dimension. The alpha-omega point on the circle of time is fixed at conception. This is the point of infinity. Knowing the moment of death, the unconscious shadow-being arranges the life, no matter how short or long, to fulfil its purpose. Even a very short existence on earth allows an entity to satisfy its primary purpose to experience ‘life’ and to understand the meaning of love. They say, only the good die young. A short life is a rebirth into innocence for a jaded soul with a long history of suffering or negative karma. It is a way of achieving purity without acquiring further shadow. However, it requires great sacrifice on the part of the parents. It is one of the greatest gifts from one spirit to another.   

Step lively!

Moving between moments of time is analogous to crossing a stream by steppingstones. On the quantum level, we step too fast for the material consciousness to make considered choices. Physical existence is a relatively slow subjective experience. In the same way, the refresh rate on your television screen is around 60 to 120 Hertz. You are unaware of the picture flickering. The parts are stationary in their own terms. The sense of motion is created by the differential processes on the analogue wave state. Objects do not move through space; they reposition themselves in relation to everything else to satisfy the needs of the story. Things pop in and out of existence and the accuracy of the process is limited by the uncertainty principle. The phenomenon of quantum superposition comes out of the interconnection between all things via lines or rays of light on the one dimension. Everything affects everything else.

Each pulse is a tiny quantum leap. For the most part, we play safe because our underlying preoccupation in the unconscious is fear of death. We exist in the light but we fear awaking there because it means the loss of the body, which doesn’t exist. The route to awakening seems to be a zig zag path as our higher self picks its moments. What happens to everybody and everything else, affects us. So, collectively, we contribute to the unfolding universe. There is no linear route. Each moment is self-contained. When you emerge into a new moment, its situation is total and complete. It requires no justification. It is our finite, objective consciousness that imposes the past on the story and joins all the dots to justify what is happening. We do not know consciously that we are doing it because the moments of time are infinitesimal.


There is no such thing as space. It is a virtual construction made of quantum spheres. Nothing actually moves. Imagine a row of light bulbs that switch on and off in a sequence that creates the illusion of motion. The bulbs are stationary, only the light moves. This is why nothing can accelerate faster than the speed of light. The limit is the rate at which the bulbs switch on and off. Space and time as we experience them are a mathematical construct fashioned from quantum digital information. It is the light of consciousness that generates motion and substance from the properties of numbers. 

The new reality

Originally, the light being was the game player and the fractal, wave vehicle on the fifth dimension was the ‘avatar’.The quantum digital state was simply a device like a game-playing computer employed by the analogue being to create a pseudo-physical vehicle. This lower dimensional body developed a primitive brain to deal with the new environment. As a result, the analogue fractal entity became increasingly absorbed in events. The game player began to identify with the avatar vehicle. During those times, the environment would have been less ‘solid’ in appearance. The quantum digital dimension and the incredibly small Planck Scale of physical matter brought a much greater realism to the simulation. The image shows the first picture taken from a mechanical television. John Logie Baird invented it in the UK in 1926. I am using this as an example of an analogue process that was clearly less realistic than what we have now. Mechanical television lost out to electronic systems in 1939.  

Twin States

The light and dark states shown in the Taijitu are separate conceptually rather than literally. They are not spaces. They are binary aspects of the same thing. We do not ‘go’ from one to the other, we switch perception between conscious and unconscious.

  • One state consists of spheres of light in the dark.
  • The other is spheres of dark in the light.

Internally, the spheres are infinite. Externally, they appear finite to each other (relativity). This allows each to experience the other from within and without. The bubbles of light in the dark interpret the subjective story as a simulation. The output of this becomes bubbles of shadow in the light that emit the sensory information. It is a continuous feedback loop generating cause and effect, translating actions into experience, a never-ending game of consequences. The Taijitu mechanism converts value-based consciousness into subjective sensation. Every entity interacts with every other entity. Here an entity is something that the universe holds quantum digital information about. Each part experiences the whole from a unique perspective. In essence, the bubbles of light in the dark and dark in the light, simulate finite existence.

This arrangement allows individual entities to experience pseudo-physical form. There is no actual separation between an object and its environment. People on a television screen are not the pixels except in the mind of the viewer.The quantum foam allows an entity to feel spacious and physically separate without being so. Consciousness constructs the simulation from static fragments of time with a refresh rate of the order of Planck time (1043 frames a second).

The Cycle

The time cycle is continuous and without beginning or end for any given space-time system. The process deconstructs meaning into number values that become objective thought in the dark state as value-based information. The metaphor here is the digital-to-analogue converter that transforms zeros and ones on CDs or in MP3 files into music in audio players. This process allows infinite, subjective mind to think qualitative thoughts. The universe stores a numerical record of everything that happens. When you are in the oneness, you can replay events subjectively from your own or anybody else’s point of view. You are also able to assess the outcomes of alternative choices. Nothing is wasted by the light during the soul’s journey through the labyrinth.     

The Simulation

There are three aspects of the Taijitu that relate to the simulation:

  • spiritual essence – the light
  • vibrational energy – the wavy line
  • quantum digital information – the shadow.

Many people think that our lives are over when we die, even scientists who believe we are in a virtual simulation. It would be more accurate to say that we go to sleep when we are born and reawaken when the soul withdraws. A baby quickens when the light being enters the darkness, which is the somnambulistic (sleep) state, province of the unconscious mind. That is where the dream of physical existence takes place.

The tiny sparks of light inside the dark spheres create the experience. The light outside the dark spheres experiences the creation. The light spheres in the dark turn the elements of the game into fleeting moments of space-time in virtual simulation. You clever things create yourselves and the entire universe you inhabit. What makes it all so wonderful is that we are not even ‘here’. We are having a kip in eternity, beyond time.

Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

There are many videos online made by people describing their near-death experiences. While they are all different, there are features in common. Out of the body, we are still ourselves, conscious and alive. Neuroscientists say NDEs are a mechanism of the brain to make the end seem gentle and comforting. While there may be a grain of truth in this, it does not account for how unconscious people overhear conversations that are happening elsewhere. Science dismisses anything it cannot measure. Consciousness cannot be measured; it can only be experienced. Science is one of the many belief systems that are holding us in ignorance. The scientific method is sound but the assumptions it makes about the nature of reality are false and untestable. Materialism and atheism are belief systems. The reasons for this go back to the conflict with religion in the days of Newton. I have no opinion about the ‘God’ of the Bible because I have never subscribed to any religion. What I refer to personally as belief is an abstract experience in superconscious mind. A finite thought in the brain is as limited as a photograph of the Grand Canyon when contrasted with the real thing. 

If humanity understood and believed two important things, our existence on earth would blossom into paradise. One is that we are immature children, totally ignorant of our own nature, and prone to doing dangerous things. For example, we cannot see the obvious stupidity in building nuclear weapons, fighting interminable wars and making viruses more deadly with gain-of-function research. The collective hive mind is insane. The second factor is that we are personally responsible for all our actions towards others. The people who have power over our lives should be aware that any suffering they inflict, they will experience. In other words, the importance of love as a mathematical phenomenon requires us to put right the wrongs we do. Most of the NDE reports indicate that we belong to the state of divine love. Love is our home, our nature and our being. It is time we lived in service to each other and the world. The answer is cooperation, not totalitarian control.

Key concepts:

Everything happens in the infinite state where we experience consciousness as the essence of meaning.

The basis of every thought or object (a particular thought) is the concept of number.

Number manifests as meaning in the light with the idea of a centre or infinitely small point in infinity.

There is only one such centre but there are infinite potential versions if each one differs by at least one quantum unit of property.

The unit is a point on the zero dimension, a line on the dimension of one, a plane on the dimension of two and a sphere or orb on the dimension of three.

These orbs constitute a quantum foam (spheres or bubbles) that creates the illusion of space. We feel it even though it doesn’t exist.

Riemann Spheres constitute the foam. Each one is infinite inside and finite outside according to situation.

Each sphere is a unit of time. Every object has its own time, which allows entities to manifest in multiple situations. Time is the property that allows multiple versions of one thing to exist without breaking the rules of the one number.

Nothing can leave its centre but objects can change the idea of where and when they are in relation to everything else.

Every moment of present time is a separate and distinct version of the universe.

Essence is the sensation of vibration. Everything is essence.

Story lines

All possible moments exist as potential atoms or units of time. We are all aspects of the one divine being. A quantum unit of time has a subjective model of the entire universe for the physical entity it belongs to. Your story is not ‘as linear’ as the experience suggests. You assemble time units to create a logical story to justify where you are now. You are not doing this as ‘you’. You are just a character in your own story along with a cast of millions. Your true reality is the one being, the oneness, love. There is always fluidity in the unfolding of the universal narrative. This is what time really is. In unfolding the subjective sequence, we are revealing a new present moment. We give the moment a total meaning but there are fluctuations. Our story takes countless other situations into account as we are the whole universe. We are bricks in each other’s pyramids and the capstone of our own. In one sense, we are the eye at the top of our personal version of the edifice. It is the same eye that sees everything. ‘You’ do not exist except as a location for the one eye to look out from. It must be this way because there is only one consciousness. So, consciousness is not the awareness of being you. It is the awareness of being somebody else, somebody that is not you. This is the paradox.

The threads in time’s tapestry It is hardly a novelty to describe life as a tapestry but it is a useful metaphor. Each unit in a chain of time is the centre of a subjective version of the entire universe, which includes a place and moment in the context of the story of everything. (See my references to the Riemann Sphere and the quantum foam in Consciousness Revealed, Part 7 on Hermes Risen.) The warp is the direction of time, while the weft is the linkages between lines. I imagine time units to be in infinite dimension. What I mean is that every unit is at the centre of its own state of nothingness, the essence of zero. If it connects to other contributing time entities, it will link to them directly by tunnelling between untold numbers of these zero states. They link as necessary when exchanging information by making contact. In this way, consciousness moves from moment to moment by staged quantum leaps, possibly on the Planck scale.

Consciousness assembles your unfolding story from a range of qualifying moments. It chooses according to the soul’s need for enlightening experience. Thus, units become nodes in a vast network represented by lines of light. In practice they are not actually lines except in appearance. Point centres are the zero dimension and the lines are the linear or one dimension. The line fragments are like strings or superstrings that vibrate at a particular frequency and shade of meaning to create matter. Digital time is the leap from one point to another. The property of linear continuity comes from the consciousness that perceives them. The resulting chain of temporal units may be thought of as a time matrix. Each unit may touch upon a vast number of storylines. The mapping of these subjective connections across the matrix of time by resonance is what I mean by threads. Themes constitute anything that relates entities by circumstance or context. For example, if you had contact with somebody on infrequent occasions over several years, a thread would link those meetings or communications manifest as time units. You could, in reliving your life’s story, follow the thread to make a continuous experience. The degree of complexity involved in mapping the subjective connections between entities in the physical universe goes way beyond our intellectual ability to contemplate.

How numbers count

The analogue wave dimension has multiple states of vibrational energy. It sustains the magnetic universe. The quantum level is the electric universe. Electromagnetic waves vibrate between these two layers. Light is a wave on the magnetic domain and an electrified centre or photon on the quantum level. Hence, it can behave as a wave or a particle, depending on circumstance. Electric fields in the zero-dimension surround point-like particles. Magnetic fields are linear or curvilinear as befitting the one-dimension. The zero or quantum dimension expresses numerical values while the one-dimension generates numerological-based essence. Numbers associate with tone or sound, depending on numerical value. In the state of oneness or light, the numerological essence deals with shades of meaning as colour or other subjective properties unknown to me. I do not mean the limited colour spectrum we see on earth. The essence of numbers beyond the lower dimensions produces colours or numerological properties that are inconceivable to us. Some people can observe colours and sounds when they see numbers; synesthetes and savants for example. Hallucinogenic substances can allow people to see colours and shapes when they hear music.

Quantum time

We never experienced loss while we remained conscious of the oneness. Even when the analogue-based beings left their bodies behind, they didn’t go very far, just beyond the veil. They would remain contactable on the higher dimension. We started the game on planet earth when we lowered the focus of consciousness. We transferred from subjective timelessness to the tyranny of the quantum digital clock. This was perhaps the single, most significant shift that occurred. If wave time is continuous and cyclic, then quantum time is a binary on-off phenomenon. In the analogue state, we withdrew from the body when we had fulfilled our purpose. With the coming of quantum time, we lost the ability to choose when to leave; we had to await a termination event. We created death. Shakespeare’s Hamlet says, “there’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how he will.” With death came illness, disease and untold scenarios for completion. The result was pain and fear. The other key outcome was loss through situation and bereavement.  

The game commences

With value-orientated consciousness, we developed the idea of ownership. If you put value on something, you want to possess it. This changed the nature of sexual relationships and marriage. What we owned we could lose. The strong took from the weak. With slavery and competitive employment practices, the strong own the weak. With the increasing importance of physicality, we prized our DNA. With the advent of death, having descendants offered indirect consolation for the loss of immortality. Men sought to own women to promote and manage their genetic heritage, especially in upper class circles and royalty. Before the fall, possession was not an issue. Now there is a legal system that owns us from the moment we register the birth of a child. The nature of quantum digital information in entity models has led to the phenomenon of hierarchy in society and culture. We are competitive where we would have been cooperative. One day, we will realise that we do not need to be ruled, only organised. While we live in quantum time, our attitudes are fixed by limitation. Moving into a new state of being in the future will restore cooperative attitudes, morality and ethical practices. In the meantime, recognising the role of karma and the nature of consciousness would liberate humanity from untold suffering. Part of the problem is that organisations or systems behave with less integrity than people. Such systems are unlikely to survive the coming shift, hence the measures they are taking to suppress and remove personal freedom and reduce the population. Climate measures seem to be aimed at the poor to benefit the wealthy. That will change when the new earth arrives.


I had two insights that prompted me to write this article. One was the nature of quantum or binary time and its role in creating death. The other was that a water molecule is not wet. This might sound like an obvious remark, hardly worth thinking about. It is the large-scale property of water molecules that establish wetness. Water appears to be extraordinarily crucial to living organisms. How far back can we trace the origin of water’s role in sustaining life? Did early biological processes latch on to water’s role pragmatically or was it implicated by the one number before life commenced? Are there other states of existence where a totally different logic applies? The answer to this lies in quantum digital time as opposed to its analogue counterpart. There is no linear progression from beginning to end. All existence happens in the moment. The present moment does not require a story or a past to account for it. If there are alternative states of ‘being’ that do not involve mathematics, it will be inconceivable in the domain of the one number. We can speculate but we cannot know. Take away quantum time and the question ceases to exist along with the idea of before and after.

Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be

I have been feeling activations in the heart centre for many years. They take the form of a very brief sensation recalling the essence of a moment. That moment might be something I remember experiencing, at other times details are lacking. This form of nostalgia activates the reward centres in the body and creates a good feeling. I must emphasize that this happens spontaneously; it has nothing to do with thinking about the past. The fleeting nature of this phenomenon connects the total essence of an event to a time quantum or unit. I have not recalled a painful or unhappy memory in this way, not where the heart is concerned. I have heard that this is a common experience. For me, it has nothing to do with longing for the past. It is just a fact. Unfortunately, it was once treated as a fatal medical disease. From these experiences I conclude that we process time in a key centre of consciousness close to the heart.

Indra’s net

Each unit of being is like a time particle that embodies the essence of the entire universe from our personal point of view. Each of these particles forms at the centre of our being in sequence like a chain or network of jewels. Various threads of our stories come together in a total experience. The thread we make for ourselves encompasses all of it, just as the one being encompasses us. It is our awareness that is cut down by being a point of light in the shadow. That lets us experience the frames of our movie as a continuous flow of movement. The threads represent subjective linkages that are virtual or notional. Theosophists use the term Akashic Record for the stored information. It also maps onto the personal aura for the individual. When we die, we replay the recording for the life review. There is also an option to review the life of anybody that has ever lived, including yours.

The intention behind world events

The two lists below have appeared in other articles I have written about consciousness. The list on the left motivates people living in the quantum digital dimension to lead totally materialistic lives. As a result, we play the power game to survive and thrive. This is what has got us in the complete mess we appear to be in. The list on the right is what motivates the higher or superconscious mind that belongs to the analogue wave dimension. This describes the spiritual state we relinquished with the fall. The events taking place in the world will eventually move us from the left to the right column.

The real problem

What we think of as evil behaviour in the world is really a product of ignorance. Dickens saw this when he wrote The Christmas Carol. The Ghost of Christmas Future reveals two children to Ebenezer Scrooge.

The spirit says “this boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the
writing be erased.”

Two other key aspects of life that are responsible for our problems are science and religion. Belief systems are the curse of the quantum digital mind because they take no account of the needs of oneness or love in the unravelling of the human story. Ideological thinking defies logic and common sense to promote social change. So, we have woke culture pushing discriminatory attitudes from one extreme to another to bring about a new balance, while at the same time discouraging human procreation. It further reinforces the misnomer that our differences outweigh our similarities. It also implies that personal identity has more to do with superficial factors like sexuality, gender and race when, in reality we are expressions of divine beingness.

Beyond everything

The individual is a unique viewpoint or node in the great map or matrix of subjective interconnection. We are each a dot in the light that says, ‘I am’. But it is the same light for us all. If this sounds disturbing, it is because it leaves us without a clear identity. Your identity reduces to a location in the network and a set of numbers. You will say, ‘I must be something. I am aware.’ As an individual entity, you are transcendent to the awareness.  Absolute oneness has no feeling. It is beyond all existence. It is infinite and pure love without feature or pattern. The key question is, what is there beyond the oneness, beyond the light? The answer is ‘you’. ‘You’ are beyond everything. You use consciousness to experience awareness and feeling. How you do this is the subject of all my writings. The infinite state of transcendence that goes beyond even the one/oneness entity is key to everything, including ourselves. That is our ultimate source and our final curtain on the great mystery.

Time to end the game

Everything that happens is fashioned by universal consciousness to achieve a spiritual purpose involving our personal evolution, the development of humanity and the ascension of the planet earth as an entity. If we lived according to the right-hand list above (without political game playing) climate and gender would cease to be issues. We would base our attitudes on what we have in common rather than what divides us.  Above all, if we understood our divine nature, there would be harmony in our lives and love in our relationships. We have a choice. If there is no other way to save the planet, the universe will make use of the worst elements of human society to drive us into extinction. This is where ignorance comes in. However, if we pull together to find enlightened solutions to all our problems the future will be glorious. We are not born here to be slaves of the system. Our purpose is enlightenment and spiritual evolution. None of our systems, educational, financial, religious or military regard this as important. The Covid pandemic was an opportunity for a few people to make vast profits. Is it sensible to put your trust in a pharmaceutical industry motivated entirely by financial gain? We seem to be embroiled in a phase of collective insanity. It is time to restore the light. The end of time does not mean the end of life. It means we have an opportunity to grow up and take our place in the greater universe.

Embryonic universes

As human beings, we are the subjects of a great experiment. At some time in the past, we dropped into the ‘basement’, the zero dimension, to experience a simulated physical existence. This circumstance has led to a new kind of spiritual entity that is evolving through the fires of hell on earth. This trial has allowed us to experience the fear of death, bereavement, loss, pain and suffering. We are not what we seem to be. We are embryonic universes, limited only by the frequency of our collective consciousness. We descended from the analogue-wave dimension to the quantum digital state. We have an opportunity coming to ascend back to the wave dimension, to reactivate our light bodies that went to sleep with the fall. It may even be the end of time as it is known in the digital dimension. Either way, we are moving into a new state of being and a more positive way of life.

Other work by Terry Edwards

Videos by Desiree (some with June and/or Terry)

Consciousness in a Virtual Reality Holographic Universe available on Kindle via Amazon. Now in paperback.

Missing Time, a novel by Terry Edwards

Articles on Hermes Risen Magazine

The Centre of the universe: explains the basics of the imaginary idea of a centre of infinity. It suggests how this enables infinite beingness to create an experience of pseudo-physical existence in non-duality as a holographic virtual reality simulation.

The Information Universe: explains how in 1992 I applied the idea of entity modelling, a technique from systems analysis to the concept of a holographic quantum digital universe. It covers the role of information in an organic universe and touches on the significance of systems and their proliferation through the phenomenon of emergent complexity. See the 5th article down the page.

Consciousness Revealed Part 1: explains how the universe divides conceptually into two virtual layers. There is an upper analogue state intertwined with a lower quantum digital level. The upper level was where our distant forerunners occupied roles in a virtual reality simulation. This allowed infinite beingness to animate pseudo-finite bodies in the lower quantum state. At some stage the superconscious analogue being ‘fell’ entirely into the lower digital ‘animal’ state with a very limited objective mind. In losing its primary focus as subjective analogue consciousness, the human being forgot who and what it was and ceased to understand the consequences of its actions. By default, humanity acquired free will. However, this is the digital universe, so the inevitable terms and conditions apply in the form of karma. Karma is an algorithm within the simulation that correlates subjective response to physical actions. It records the analogue sensations accumulated throughout our lives from what we do to each other. Consequently, the simulator shapes a storyline that balances out the good and the bad experiences by shaping individual and global events.

Consciousness Revealed Part 2: contains a more detailed explanation of the nature of consciousness in two fundamental aspects, objective and subjective. The infinite state of oneness subdivides into planes of consciousness that allow infinite beingness to feel the sensations of ‘physical’ existence. The quantum digital state is the domain where subjective meaning takes on objective form as a pattern of information. The ‘user’ of this system is infinite being that constructs the entire universe of its own creation in abstract, essential mind. The Taijitu, the diagram that portrays yin and yang, acts as an analogue to digital converter to turn analogue wave functions into digital ‘physical’ form in accordance with David Bohm’s implicate order. The process is two-way. The Taijitu takes the digital response to the impetus of time and converts it into subjective sensory feeling. It is this that infinite being registers as physical existence with no attempt to judge or intervene in the unfolding events.

Consciousness Revealed Part 3: deals with the consequences of living in a hive mind and the technological impact of the systems we have created.

Consciousness Revealed Part 4: deals with the internal and external universes, loss of species on the earth, the characteristics of analogue versus digital societies and possible contact with alien species, including project Serpo.

Orbs: This short article discusses the topic of orbs in three aspects, small glowing spheres that appear sometimes on photographs (visiting spirit entities), fractal orbs as elements in the structure of universal consciousness and large orbs as seen as objects filmed in space as sentient beings that have fully transcended from the quantum-digital state to full analogue-wave existence.

Jesus Revealed: This puts the story of Jesus into the context of these articles.

Consciousness Revealed Part 5: describes the sequence of “The Fall” using diagrams taken from the Proem section of the Secret Doctrine by Helena Blatatsky.

Consciousness Revealed Part 6: Going Deeper

Consciousness Revealed Part 7: Riemann and the Golden Stairs:

More on the role of numbers in consciousness and the evolution of all conscious beings in multiple dimensions. The application of the Riemann Hypothesis and Riemann Spheres to the construction of the virtual reality hologram we know as the physical universe.

Published by hermesrisen

Debbie Elliott is a writer, theologian and broadcaster, and her work can be found at Colyn Boyce is co-editor for Hermes Risen and is a writer, photographer and all round good guy.

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